Hypnotherapy is a wonderful healing tool. It is a state in which an individual, through hypnosis, becomes highly responsive to suggestions. Hypnosis is a relaxed, but highly focused, state of mind.
Through hypnotherapy our unconscious mind can be accessed. Our unconscious mind controls our emotions, our immune system, our bodies and our behavior. By going into the unconscious mind, we can bring about many positive changes in our lives.
With hypnotherapy, positive suggestion and direction are very effective in helping to change behaviors, emotions and our lives.
The American Medical Association (AMA) approved hypnotherapy as a valid medical treatment in 1988. Hypnotherapy is not a surrender of control; it is only an advanced form of relaxation. Even in the deepest state of hypnosis, an individual is always in control and free to accept or reject a particular suggestion.
Hypnotherapy can be used to complement traditional medical treatments and has been successful in helping people in the following areas:
• Headaches
• Stress & Anxiety
• Fears: flying, needles, heights, etc.
• Motion Sickness
• Weight loss/management
• Smoking Cessation
• Peak performance for athletes
• Pain Management
• Preparation for surgery to reduce
anxiety and decrease blood loss
• Post-
• Self-
• Chemotherapy
• Performance anxiety
... and more
Tapping Into Your Inner Resources...
Hypnotic suggestions have the capacity to affect all systems and organs of the body to varying degrees and in a variety of ways. Hypnotherapy can be a door which opens and leads an individual towards reaching their highest potential through the mind/body/spirit connection.